Monday, June 24, 2013

an inauspicious return

so i haven't posted since 2008.. lol.. guess i got lost!  so much has happened and I am not sure I want to relive it all, so i guess i will start from here. will i write every day? probably not. but i will try to get back to writing. to think that writing was my passion and i have neglected it for so very long. life most certainly did get in the way... as did a sense of not wanting to whine, so not saying anything.. let's see if I can reclaim the hopeful tone in the title of this blog.

Friday, October 17, 2008

200 Pair of Earrings and 200 Advil for the Pain

Ok, so for years I have figured that I have managed to avoid the OCD tendencies that run rampant in my family. I have siblings who obsess about their appearance, how clean their homes are, is there a scuff on the kitchen floor, is every i dotted... My house is always 'lived in' , I gained weight and let my hair get gray at times... let's face it, perfection I am not!

So who thought that deciding to participate in The Little Black Boxes for October would turn out to be anything but fun? I love making jewelry, so what was the problem?

I started out in September making a few pair of earrings a day. I figured I would send an assortment of 50 pair to Kim and that would be pretty darn good. Well as September grew to a close, I thought maybe 100 pair would be better. So I came up with a cute little design for wire wrapped ear studs that I could still afford to make. With practice, (which you DO get when making 50 pair of anything) I got my speed up and decided to go for broke and make another 100 pair!

And then, it wasn't done when I finished producing. No, I needed to come up with cute packaging and promos for this... which involved punching 2 holes in each of 200 business cards and then bagging them and putting TWIST ties on 200 bags! LOL

You know how when you hike , the excitement gets your endorphins going and you don't feel the pain til a day or two later? Well the same process comes into play when you are maniacally making ear studs. I got all 150 pr of these made in just a couple days, but my hands and right fore arm were at once painful and somehow numb. It took a couple days before I could actually sense feeling anything with my fingertips! The pads on my forefingers and thumbs were actually bruised! My wrists screamed when I tried to pick the soup pot up off the stove...

So out came the advil and out came the microwaveable hand spa and there was paraffin treatments on the hour for 2 days!

Well enough said, I will save the next 1000 words and show you some pictures.

200 pair of earrings packaged and sitting on my big enough for a 6 footer and his honey loveseat.

Below, a sampling of what I sent in its (I think) adorable packages

Well I think it is time for my next dose of advil to quell the pain!

Monday, March 17, 2008


If maybe my 'big' purpose is to be there for others. it seems no matter how I start something out, I tend to turn into a nurturer. I seem to be the one that steps in and consoles.

I wonder if this is a true calling, or if it is something I fell into. I wonder if it is a good thing or not.

And I don't have any answers.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Start

George Bernard Shaw said, "This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy."

This is a joy I am seeking!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Bucket list for this year...

Since I am more of a live in the moment kind of gal, I don't think that far ahead ( I don't plan on kicking the bucket for a really long time) so I am working on a list for 2008. Things I would like to accomplish, as well as things I want to do. The difference? An accomplishment is more far reaching... a 'do' is more like go to a place, or bungee jump (nope, that ain't on the list!).

In no particular order:

  • Get my house clean and keep it that way
  • become more organised
  • set up an online store of some sort for my jewelry
  • make jewelry daily
  • meet more of my online friends
  • travel a little other than family visits and to someplace other than Florida
  • volunteer more
  • live with purpose, not by chance
  • act, not react
  • lose another 30-40 lbs
  • learn to exercise
It almost sounds like a list of resolutions... but I want these things to come part of my lifestyle, not just be the list. I know that a neater, more pared down home will bring me more peace, the organization goes hand in hand. The jewelry aspect of things is for me, to feed my creative soul .
Weight and exercise- well they go hand in hand, and a healthier me will enjoy my life more. And my life is not complete without giving back to others. So let's see how I do. I am starting with a messy, cluttered slate. We'll see how long it takes me to clear it.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Vacation Home

I guess I could call this place that... somewhere to be a different me... a relaxed me one that has a sane side, a controlled life and peace.
Let's see how that goes!